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It’s our mission to make you successful. If you need any help with communication, collaboration, or automating business processes with Microsoft 365, we’re opening our door for you to get help from our experts.
Ask us about all things SharePoint, Power Platform, Teams, or any of the other tools in the suite. If there is a problem that you're stuck on, feel free to hop on and ask! We even encourage questions about business goals like, “How do I improve my onboarding process with O365?”.
Meeting chat will be open for questions. We may not be able to answer all questions in the amount of time we have, but will do our best. If you'd like to come on stage to ask a question, please let us know.
This is a recurring event that takes place on the first Wednesday of every month, so make sure to check back for the latest questions we'll be addressing and to get on our list.
15 Mins - Common Questions from the Community
SharePoint Forms - Can I create rules on the form? Also can the user review their data entry?
SharePoint Forms - I followed this but I added three screens and for some reason when I save the form it creates three separate records in the SPO list. I want it to save to just one record.
SharePoint Forms - Is there a way to show different forms based on rights. F.e. another view for an admin and another view for an end user?
Modern Calendar View - When will we be able to set the modern calendar to a week view and color code the categories?
45 Mins - Open Questions
This meeting is being recorded and may be used later for marketing purposes. If you would like your question to not be recorded, just let us know!